MLtek is a well known software solutions provider that is known to address some widespread range of technical problems faced by many companies on a regular basis. It provides for the much needed support and help for various issues and problems that one gets to face in this regard. Founded in the year 2003, it is known to concentrate towards creating software those are known to resolve great deal of problems in a much easy way. It has introduced various attractive ranges of products so far and this includes that of ArchiverFS which occur to be quite well-liked of the lot. The best thing about the software developed by the provider is that they are easy, simple to operate and is known to contain only most essential features that really help.
ArchiverFS is a popular storage software solution that was first introduced in the year 2002. It is now widely used in a huge range of organizations worldwide which are quite admired and prominent. It comes across as a unique one amongst file archiving solutions for SMB shares, network file storage and Windows file servers and others. If one compares with other such software, the archiving solution just uses normal NTFS files and folders from the start to the end. The most interesting thing about the ArchiverFS by Mltek Software is that it offers for the best and most dependable kind of archiving solution. It focuses just on the main service and does not act as any type of document management system unlike much other archiving system out there. It ensures to offer excellent service in archiving which is to keep old and out of date unstructured files in an ideal manner. It provides for exceptional solution in this regard.
Top archiving solution you can go for
The most attractive thing as far as archiving solution is that it uses unique approach which makes ArchiverFS amazingly scalable and as well as highly cost efficient. It offers the most cost effective way to archive old files possible. It is known to facilitate migrating that of huge quantities of files over the network to second tier storage like a NAS or SAN and also at the same time need only a small footprint on the host system. The system is well-organized and helps to migrate, store and then end of life old unstructured files from your storage system that too in a cost effective and controlled manner. It also helps one to tackle challenges like GDPR and Data Protection compliance as well. The interesting aspect is that it makes use of the functionalities that are already known to be available with the Windows Operating system. It does not need installation of agents on the servers and workstations thereby making use quite easy to hold on the whole.
Top range features and functionalities
There are a lot of beneficial and advantageous features that the software is known to come with. It is essential that one gets to everything thoroughly and then make an informed decision as to which one is best to go with. The archiving software facilitate with the aspect of migrating old files from any UNC path to that of any other UNC path over the network by way of using various criteria which includes that of size, age and type. The particular target that is used to move that of the old files can be a CIFS share, AS device iSCSI volume, Azure or Google Cloud and a VM or even cloud storage on Amazon AWS. The target volume and source needs to be formatted with that of NTFS which can then be shared to the network with that of SMB then the content can be migrated and managed on the whole as well.
DFS support
ArchiverFS is 100% compatible with all the possible versions of DFS. ArchiverFS works on the file level and doesn’t make use of any client side software or other kinds of low level file system drives which make it best and trustworthy when compared with all. It does not bring in needless files, operations and other software into play and works completely well in every way likely. It is also known to integrate flawlessly with all other Windows features which also include that of DFS. It is well-matched with Windows and uses only its native functionality.
Live system targeting
When it comes to ArchiverFS, everything is based upon UNC paths. One needs to know how ArchiverFS works using UNC path when setting up archiving work to target a DFS share. It needs to be understood that the live locations are added to a job through their UNC path and also archive destinations are added to a job through UNC paths. After a shortcut of any kind is created, it goes on to point migrated files through the UNC path.
ArchiverFS is used on DFS support based file system through that of the domain based path and not the local server based path. On can use a local server path in a DFS setup with the support of multiple real servers that supports a domain based DFS root, then the files will be recorded while migrating as having been changed from the definite single server and not that of the DFS root path. This would lead to a lot of not needed actions and routes.
Files replication
If one has been using multi-server DFS based file system then you should be using the replication aspect. In such case, one would be servicing more than a single geographical location with that of the actual infrastructure. Based largely on the settings that you have selected, when one run the first job, they may end up archiving a major portion of the file system. In such scenario, one should know that DFS may have the data to replicate. There are some recommendations that are made when organization the first archive job on that of a DFS based file system and here are they, the maintenance job should be disabled, the first job should be run, look out for DFS replication queues on the whole. Get your free copy now to know more.