
What Should You Know About a Data Centre Solution Provider?

While businesses are different from one another, from industry to product, they all rely on technology to make money and meet the demand of their customers. For many businesses, the rapid growth of technology is a blessing. Indeed, not only does it help promote products and services, but it also makes everything easier.

In other words, the growth of technology helps many businesses reach a new height of success. Now, any business can attract customers and make transactions anywhere around the globe. Therefore, it is safe to say that technology has become a crucial part of businesses, both old and new.

Even more, when COVID-19 came to exist. Since then, the demand for a data centre solution provider has increased. According to a study titled Singapore Data Center Market, its growth opportunities will continue rising until 2026.

Though what is the reason behind this matter?

The rise of a data centre solution provider happens due to the increasing number of businesses relying on digital technology. They thought that with this, they could quickly gather data and responses on their target audience. As such, they could come up with a better marketing strategy. 

Therefore, if you plan on partnering with a data centre in Singapore, you should read the rest of the article. Doing so should give you an idea of what it is, what they can do for you, and the hurdles you would have to face along the way. 

What Is a Data Centre?

When most people heard about a data centre, they often thought of a physical facility that businesses use to store their applications and information. As they grow and develop from centralised premises to public cloud services, it is vital to think long-term and know how to maintain their security and reliability. Otherwise, partnering with one will be for nought.

To do that, one must grasp its technical elements. Here are those three categories.

  • COMPUTE. The memory and handling control to the applications, often given by the high-end servers.
  • NETWORKING. A process where several things interconnect with one another, such as routers, application delivery, and more.
  • STORAGE. It is where the crucial data is, which is why multiple backups have a copy of it.

These three are the components that the data centre needs to store and manage the most critical resources. That is why they are crucial to the operation of businesses. Because of this, they prefer to partner with one instead of making one for themselves. 

How Does a Data Centre Work?


The function of a data centre in Singapore is not that complicated if you think of it this way.

Like how two devices get connected through one local network, Internet servers use a network interface to transmit information to web browsers. Until the transmission, the data saved on a data centre server is delivered into packets and forwarded through routers that determine the most suitable route to proceed with that data.

By then, it uses a combination of both wired and wireless networks to reach the user’s internet service provider and arrive inside the device. The process will be in reverse when the user needs the information from the data centre solution provider.

Apart from the technical equipment, the data centre will also need various facilities. They needed it so they could keep both the hardware and software up and running. Therefore, when you partner with one, expect them to have more than one or two facilities on their end.

What Are the Types of Data Centres?

By now, you are probably aware of how indispensable data centres are for businesses, both SME and large industries. And since you are planning on partnering with one, grasping its various forms will help you choose the right one.

So far, here are the types of data centres that you need to know. 



This type of data centre in Singapore is also known as colo. The term means allowing a business to rent a space for servers, cooling, bandwidth, security, and other computing hardware. Because of its leasing services, a colocation data centre is most likely suitable for SMEs. Not only does it give them access to a world-class data centre, but also enterprise-grade redundancy.


This one is slightly different from the computing system you have in mind and the traditional data centre in Singapore. One of the reasons is that it does not have a physical location, and everything is accessible online. That means wherever you may be, whatever information you need to get duplicated in multiple locations for secure storage. In other words, if there is something wrong with it, the cloud data centre will make sure there is a backup for everything stored. 


Unlike the first two data centres, this one is managed and operated by a private data centre for the sole purpose of supporting one corporation. That means they only work for one, which is why this type is typical for tech giants. 


A third-party company or managed service provider often runs this type of data centre in Singapore. Businesses outsource this one to cut expenses from leasing the equipment to the maintenance of facilities. 

Knowing the difference between each type of data centre in Singapore will help businesses figure out which one suits their needs the most. As such, their effort and investment will not go to waste if they partner with the right data centre consultancy. When that happens, their customers would even trust their brand more.

What Services Do Data Centres Offer?

Besides partnering with a data centre solution provider, you also need to know what they can do for you. Doing so should give you an idea of how they can help you and your business in the long run. 

That is why before you partner with one, take note if they have and offer the following services written below. If they do, then partnering with them would not become a problem, and you can assure that your business operation will run smoothly. 


Traditionally, the data centre in Singapore serves as a three-legged stool: computer space, telecommunications, and power. These represent and support everything that is happening in your data centre. 

But in recent years, things have changed. Out of the three, power has become more vital than floor space since IT equipment shrunk in size but uses more energy. The only problem now is that not many colocation data centres offer the necessary power density needed for today’s IT equipment. 


A data centre in Singapore that offers this kind of service allows businesses to move away from capital expenditures. That means they will provide everything from the operating system, storage, and network. As a result, companies would be able to pay a predictable amount of money using operating expenses. Also, the data centre could fill the IT skills gap that the businesses lack. 


Businesses these days face an endless number of threats, and that is both internal and external matters. And taking care of all of them requires so much time, money, and effort while protecting the sensitive details of their customers. 

The good news is that a data centre solution provider can handle everything to protect data stored inside. Just make sure that when you partner with one, they meet your business’s compliance requirements. 


When a business has a data centre construction company, they would not have to worry about planning structured cabling since the data centre will do it on their behalf. That means they move out to a high-density cabinet, their migration schedule will not get impacted, and there are no long or short-term costs involved. 

As you can see, a data centre in Singapore can do many things for you and your business. And the only way to get the most out of them is to know the services they can offer throughout your contract or partnership with them. Therefore, do yourself a favour and do your homework before you hire one for your business. 

What Are the Challenges of Data Centre Solution and How to Solve Them?

Partnering with a data centre solution provider is not that easy. Just like in everything else in life, there are problems that you need to face. And knowing what you are would help anyone on how to solve them. As a result, you would not have to worry about delivering quality customer service to your target audience. 

To guarantee your data centre solution would go well, take note of these challenges. Doing so should give you an idea of how to solve them when they happen to you. 

<img src=”” alt=”3-Challenges-of-Data-Centre-Solution-and-How-to-Solve-Them” border=”0″ />


It is no secret that people are the most serious threat to data centre security. Even though you have the best technology and equipment, if your employees do not have the highest calibre, the data centre solution provider will be at risk. Note that employees’ skills are crucial to keeping the data centre up and working.

SOLUTION: To make that happen and reduce insider threats, you should provide continuous data security training to all your employees. Doing so would help them resolve things themselves and no longer need to rely on someone else’s words alone. 


When it comes to physical security, many businesses overlook this matter when planning a data security strategy. Most of the time, their only focus is on cybersecurity threats, which is not wrong to think through. But the former is crucial, too, since anyone can threaten the data centre in person. 

SOLUTION: To take care of this matter, one should strengthen their physical security through the ways below. 

  • Set up alarms with motion detection and breakage sensors. 
  • Install access control to limit individuals coming inside.
  • Placing security cameras to figure out who the intruders are.
  • Attach water and temperature sensors to alert when the pipe breaks or the hardware overheats. 


Surprisingly, the internet of things is both a threat and an opportunity. As you know, with many devices and connections made, many unforeseen things can get through the data centre. That is why IoT is one of the most serious challenges of the data centre solution since there are many things to keep in check. 

SOLUTION: To resolve the threats coming from IoT, one must do the following. 

  • Often change the default password on connected devices like Huawei Ideahub.
  • Always read the terms and conditions since they might change or get updated over time.
  • Issue device ID certificates that your businesses use.
  • Keep software and software update.

All in all, if you need more tips and tricks on how to solve these data centre solution challenges, contact a veteran provider. With their years of experience, they can quickly help you resolve the matters you are facing. 

Be Smart in Choosing the Right Data Centre Solution Provider.


As mentioned above, it is not that easy to partner with a data centre solution provider, which is why you should be smart with your choice. Otherwise, your decision would not only affect your business operation, but you might also lose the trust given to you by your customers. Of course, to prevent that from happening, you must choose the right DC builder in Singapore.

To help you out, consider the following before you hire and partner with any data centre. Doing so should help you find the right one that fits your business needs. 

  • Conduct background research.
  • Carefully read the customer reviews.
  • Verify the services the data centre solution provider can do.
  • Visit their physical office and discuss your inquiries in person.
  • Determine how well-equipped they are.
  • Check their network connectivity. 

Now that you have become more knowledgeable about a data centre solution provider, you are ready to partner with one. If you have not found one, check out ACME ASSOCIATES and see if they are the ones you have been looking for. 

If you are interested in them, contact ACME ASSOCIATES at +65 6749 3259 or leave a message on their website.