
Biometric Technology: A Brief History

The science behind scanning sensors had improved to an almost perfect level today at a time when smartphone usage soared. Modern biometric technology was developed in the year of 1960s, and it has evolved into high-tech scanners and capable of reading bio-markers at a rate of more than 100%. Bio-based science will disrupt the authentication industry in 2020.

Biometric technology saw its beginnings around the 1960s when scientists recognized the physiological components of phonic sound and acoustic sounds. It led to modern voice recognition technology, which we now know as it is. In the year of 1969, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has started approaching for automated fingerprint verification to analyze minutiae points when mapping unique patterns and ridges.

Sixty years had passed before biometric technology finally became commercialized. Many smartphones already include biometric identity verification to make it easier and convenient for users to authenticate their identities and access their smartphones. Some mobile phone brands, such as Samsung and Apple, will soon offer face recognition to unlock their phones quickly.

The shift to smartphones affected the development of biometric technology, especially with Apple introducing Touch ID in the iPhone 5s in 2013. Touch ID, an integrated feature in iOS phones, allows users to unlock their devices with fingerprint authentication. After many users had adopted fingerprint authentication in their smartphones, Apple transitioned to face recognition technology when they released iPhone X.

5G will be the next generation of biotechnology, which is expected to bring big data and the Internet of Things to one’s back pocket, which opens new possibilities and avenues. Groups and standards bodies such as FIDO regulate biometrics aside from recognizing it. Today, many people accept biometric security and biology-based tech to ensure data safety and security in online identity verification. Biometric authentication technology continues to be the dominant method of automating systems, paving the path towards a more convenient option.

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Biometric Technology: a brief history