Every recommendation you find for Hudl-compatible end zone cameras becomes more challenging. While there are several Hudl-compatible end zone camera systems available on the market, little information is provided to explain the best end zone cameras for use with Hudl.
To help you narrow down your search, we have outlined the top reasons why Sport Scope’s camera systems are the best choice for use with Hudl (or without).
Hudl recommends elevating cameras to capture the best end zone or sideline footage for most field sports. Team leaders believe they can achieve the best level of game footage with an elevated camera. A traditional camera would need to be placed and operated in a naturally elevated position around the perimeter of the field. It isn’t possible, however, in most cases. It is for this reason that a telescopic tower is a superb option for the end zone and sideline cameras. With Sports Scope’s lineup of camera systems, you can elevate cameras up to 30 feet above the field, giving you all the range you need to capture reliable and clear game footage regardless of the stadium layout.
Camera systems for end zones, including those used with Hudl, are designed to be accessible and apply to home or away teams. It’s important that your system can easily be assembled, disassembled, and transported. In addition to the telescoping tower’s travel bag, the Sport Scope endzone cameras come with a hard case for fragile electronics. In order to protect the contents during travel, each of the sides is padded with ballistic nylon. Presented in a hard case that attaches to the bag, all electronics fit into it. In addition to its wheel plate, Sports Scope’s travel bag connects the end zone system, making transporting this system to the field even in thick mud and grass easy.
With the top-tier, 30 foot Smart Camera from Sport Scope; the EDGE Replay option is built-in. In this way, coaches can view a real-time, condensed feed of end zone and sideline cameras on their smartphones at any moment during the game iPads. Coaches can better analyze and anticipate the opposition’s upcoming plays while watching the game live from an elevated angle.
Hudl Camera Recommendations
It is possible to use Hudl as a useful tool for reviewing game footage, but only if the image is of sufficient quality. This smart camera from Sport Scope features an HD camcorder so you can get a reliable and crystal-clear image to review. In addition to being lightweight, waterproof, and durable, it is also very useful for sports applications both outdoors and indoors.
In addition to the products discussed in this article, other manufacturers make end zone and sideline cameras with some of the components, but none offer the quality, value, and reliability of the Sport Scope system, making it the best option for integration with Hudl.